Saturday, October 22, 2011

Late Night Realizations.

Here I was laying in bed when I realized something. I expect too much from people. I understand now that I put too high of expectations on the people around me. So high in fact that I end up getting let down in the end. This thought led me to another realization....I expect too much from God. The reality of the matter, is that I shouldn't expect anything from God. His role is not to serve me. God can't be restricted by expectations or requests. I keep getting stuck in this mentality that God is supposed to serve me. He's supposed to love me, comfort me, give me strength, forgive me of my sins, provide me with necessary provisions, and give me salvation. God doesn't have to do any of these things! He CHOOSES to do them. It's God's choice to help me in life and provide for me. I take that for granted so much every day! And to make things worse, I get upset when God doesn't give me some of those things. I am not God's master, and he doesn't answer to me. I think one thing that we as Christians struggle with is feeling like God owes us something. We're so used to God giving us what we need, we just assume that God will give us everything we think we need. When that doesn't happen however, we get angry. Who are we to get angry at something like that? God is our master, and we are just his servants. WE are supposed to serve HIM. Yet time and time again we get stuck in the thought that God HAS to comfort us. God HAS to give us enough to eat. God HAS to give me salvation. The list goes on and on!
God doesn't HAVE to do anything. He's GOD! It's our role to serve God and be his servants. We are so blessed to have a God that will help us because of his vast love for us. I'm not even sure if any of this is making sense because it's 1 in the morning, but the morale of the story is this: God doesn't owe us anything. Stop getting upset when you feel like God hasn't given you something you need. Tough luck! We should be thanking God for all the times that he has given us the things that we need, not complain to him about all the other things he didn't give us. We need to remember that our job is to serve the Lord with all that we are....not the other way around.

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