James 4:12 "There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able
to save and destroy. But you-who are you to judge your neighbor?"
Today I spent a wonderful few hours with some of the girls on my floor
in Nelson Hall. We talked about things like the devil, our struggles,
our hurts, and we all took part in a very emotional conversation about
God's love and mercy. As all these girls were opening up and telling us
their stories, I felt extremely convicted. I realized at that moment
that I wasn't taking the time to see these women as they truly are;
walking stories. I love these girls with all my heart, and yet I'm still
putting myself first. Time and time again I find myself letting myself
get trapped in the selfish "Me Cycle" where all I can see is what's
affecting me directly. I make myself blind to other people's hurts. I'll
tend to think, "Ugh she's annoying me today" instead of thinking,
"She's going through a tough time right now, I should have some grace." I
get so wrapped up in myself that I see people as bodies in front of me
walking through the motions instead of actual human spirits who have
hurts, fears, dreams, insecurities and joys just like me.
How did I let myself get this far from the truth? Lord I pray that I
won't forget who these girls really are any longer. Lord please help me
to have grace just as You do, and to have the patience and wisdom
to see each girl living in N2 as a walking/eating/living/breathing
story.....A story just like me.
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